Characters Without Stories - Podcast Appearance
A huge shout-out to Star, who I met originally through their TikTok and through some shared TTRPG Discords (including Titterpig, which is great for those looking to learn an RPG outside of Dungeons & Dragons).
Star has been running a podcast for a while now called Characters Without Stories, highlighting all those wonderful RPG characters that have been created but have yet to be played. We pitched several concepts back-and-forth, but the fact that I only ever created characters in response to a game, and usually ended up playing them before we had a chance to meet, meant that the concept wasn't particularly compatible with my approach.
That is until we decided we could use my particular approach to preparing for a game of Coyote & Crow to use tarot and Canadian TV references to make some of the non-player characters I needed.
So go take a listen as Star and I create Dagamot, the Hermit, and a couple of his caravan companions; then go listen through some of her archives.