Roleplaying Games, September-December
Tonight marks the end of our summer sessions: thank you to everyone who came to events at Volstead's Emporium, The Wilderness, and Free RPG Day at Tower Games.
We're happy to announce that we will be partnering with Bad Wolf Adventure Studios, Oddmart, The Coven, and Sencha Tea Bar for additional events in the fall.
Which events? Well, that's up to you. Our survey is available, and you can indicate your availability, and preferences for frequency, duration, venue, and games. There are a lot of different games available: everything from sci-fi heists, to weird wild west, to Bridgerton-style drama, to vampire horror, and more.
Other things in the works: we'll be at Open Streets Lyndale on August 24, and then Open Streets Broadway and Nicollet in September. Jordan is taking over the organization of Dreadfest for it's fourth iteration, which will tentatively return to The Source in Roseville Saturdays in October.
Also in September is Twin Cities Startup Week, and we're working on at least one event for that week.
Thank you to everyone who has taken the plunge and explored the wide and varied world of roleplaying games. We'll see you in a month!