GM Academy and Free RPG Day

GM Academy and Free RPG Day

May be a doodle of text that says 'EARN YOUR DEGREE AT OUR GAME MASTER ACADEMY SATURDAY. ATURDAY,MAY MAY 25, 2024, 10:30-4:00PM $10 PER PERSON PRESENTATIONS: How GM and Storytelling Tips: Cultivating your Creative Process •Breathing Life into Random Encounters Start Campaign: Meet in a Tavern vs Inciting Incident Kevdar the Mighty Says Hello: How to Improve RP Your Table Go Slow to Go Fast: Pushing Your Players' Limits Without Endangering Them か'

Here's the expected schedule:

  • 10:30: GM and Storytelling tips: Cultivating your Creative Process, Ezra
  • 11:30: Breathing Life into Random Encounters, Justin Alexander
  • 1: How to Start a Campaign - Meet in a Tavern vs. Inciting Incident, Tony
  • 2: Kevdar the Mighty says Hello - How to improve RP at your table, Nova
  • 3: Go Slow to Go Fast - Pushing Your Players' Limits without Endangering Them, Jordan Peacock (Sortilege)

We'll also be running games for Free RPG Day on June 22nd. There will be walk-up seats available but if you want a guaranteed seat, put your name down here.

Our table will be running:

  • 10am: Paranoia
  • Noon: Xenolanguage
  • 2pm: TEETH
  • 4pm: Legend of the Five Rings
Jordan Peacock

Jordan Peacock
