Titterpig Academy: Cyberpunk Wickedness
In response to the mayhem in the tabletop roleplaying game (TTRPG) space due to Wizards of the Coast attempting and then retracting massive changes to their open license, there has been a huge surge of Dungeons & Dragons players looking beyond their walled garden for the first time and seeing there's an entire ecosystem of other TTRPGs.
Titterpig Academy (Titterpig = TTRPG) is a Discord server that was started to help facilitate players unfamiliar with TTRPGs in general, or TTRPGs besides D&D.
To that end, I will be running the Wickedness RPG at 9:30pm CST in the Titterpig Discord server. It is distinctive in a few ways: it plays for exactly three players; it has a set structure that (usually) is complete in a single session; and it uses a tarot deck instead of dice.
However, it also comes with three different styles of play, and for our session we will be leaning into the tropes of cyberpunk, aided with a replacement major arcana from the folks at Superflux: the amazing Instant Archetypes deck.
If you don't have access to the Discord, you can message Jordan directly and mention Titterpig, and he can provide you with a link. There are many other games being run by other capable gamemasters as well.